Oceanography, microbes and humans
brief video about the research being done in our group
About an Experiment we participated in to test the impact of Temperature vs. Substrate on tropical marine bacteria (from the Great Barrier Reef waters)
If you are still curious, read published outcome of this project:
From National Geographic about our expedition to Antarctica
At the Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica, we used a hot-water drill hose to create a hole through the hundred of meters of ice until we reached the perpetually dark water...
Article in
'The Conversation'
Check here our article on the results and experiences behind our Antarctic expedition in the Global Edition of 'The Conversation'
Video Interview
On the role of pelagic fungi in organic matter cycling in the ocean
Video Abstract on our recent paper about the "Potential and expression of carbohydrate utilization by marine fungi in the global ocean" published in Microbiome
DOI video: 10.21203/